NoOneGoes Recipes
The NoOneGoes team loves food! So much that we've been doing some extensive research on the food culture of Palmerston over the years. Rural farming communities all have a unique flavour to their traditional foods and Palmerston is no different. Below are some of the recipes we've highlighted from a variety of cook books, newspapers and helpful guides.
During the 1940's and 50's much of Southern Ontario suffered from serious hydro shortages. It was common for brown out periods were homes and entire communities would go without electricity for multiple hours to accommodate for the increasing demands created by the rapidly growing use of electrical appliances and equipment being used in homes and businesses. With the inconvenience created by new conveniences a popular column in newspapers, including the Palmerston Observer, was called the Mixing Bowl by Anne Allan. Dubbing herself as the "Hydro Home Economist" she focused on tips and tricks to keep your home running smoothly while also offering up recipes anyone could enjoy. Below are a sample of those articles.